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We bring to the attention of users of the website tindart.org these data attached:

1. Legal information :

The tindart.org website and service is the absolute property of LORIGINAL, which provides it.

LORIGINAL – Phone number : 514.999.9611

163 Street Saint-Paul O, Montréal, QC H2Y 1Z5
Registered with the RCS (Registre du Commerce et des Sociétés) under number 1174657479
Mail address: [email protected]

Website founder: VERDIER Dorian
Publication manager: VERDIER Dorian
Or contact the Publication Manager: [email protected]
The designer is: VERDIER Dorian
How to contact the Webmaster: [email protected]

Hosting company: HOSTINGER
Company headquarters: 61 Lordou Vironos Street, 6023 Larnaca, Cyprus

2. Presentation:

Any Internet user who connects to and uses the site: tindart.org is considered to be a user of the site.
The tindart.org website contains a number of services which, as they stand, are available to users. It is hereby specified that users must remain courteous and show good faith towards both other users and the designer of the tindart.org site. The tindart.org website is regularly updated by VERDIER Dorian.

VERDIER Dorian endeavors to provide the most accurate information possible on the following tindart.org site (subject to modifications made since it was put online), but cannot attest to the accuracy, completeness and timeliness of the information distributed on its site, whether it is its own fault or that of third-party partners who provide such information. Consequently, the user acknowledges that he/she uses the information provided under his/her sole responsibility.

3. Accessibility requirements :

The tindart.org website is generally accessible to users 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, except in the event of scheduled or unscheduled maintenance, updating or force majeure. In the event of unavailability of the service, emergeandsee.fr will do its utmost to restore access to the site, and will endeavor to inform users of the dates and times of the intervention beforehand. As emergeandsee.fr is subject only to an obligation of means, it cannot be held liable for any damage whatsoever resulting from the unavailability of the service.

4. Intellectual property :

VERDIER Dorian is the sole owner of all intellectual property rights or holds the rights and authorizations to use all the elements accessible on the website, including the structure, articles, texts, images, graphics, logos, sounds and software…

Any reproduction, even partial, of the tindart.org website, display, edition, total or partial adaptation of any of these elements, regardless of the means or techniques used, is strictly forbidden, except with the prior written consent of VERDIER Dorian, responsible for the tindart.org website, displaying, modifying or updating, in whole or in part, any of these elements, regardless of the means or techniques used, is strictly forbidden, except with the prior written consent of VERDIER Dorian, owner of the site, at [email protected], failing which it will be deemed to constitute an infringement and liable to prosecution under the provisions of articles L.335-2 et seq. of the French Intellectual Property Code.

5. Hypertext links & cookies :

The tindart.org website includes a number of hypertext links to other sites (partnerships, information, etc.) set up with the approval of LORIGINAL. However, LORIGINAL is not in a position to check the entire content of sites visited in this way, and therefore declines all responsibility for such content. 

Users are hereby informed that during their browsing on the following site tindart.org one or more cookies may be automatically stored on their PC through their browser software. A cookie is a block of data which does not allow us to know who the user is, but which nevertheless records information relating to the user’s browsing on the site. 

Users are free to set their browser to inform them of the presence of a cookie and, if they wish, to object to it, in accordance with the procedure explained at www.tindard.org. Users may nevertheless configure their browser to prevent cookies from being installed, bearing in mind that refusing to accept cookies may prevent them from accessing various services. To block cookies, type “cookie blocking” into the search engine and observe the instructions for your browser version.6. Protection of people and property.

On the tindart.org website, LORIGINAL does not collect any personal information concerning the user other than for the need of several services offered by the tindart.org internal website. The user provides the information with full knowledge of the facts, particularly when he/she enters it him/herself. Users of the tindart.org website are informed whether or not they are obliged to disclose this information.

Any user has the right to access, rectify, delete and oppose any personal information concerning him or her. To exercise this right, send a request to [email protected] duly signed and accompanied by a copy of the document holder’s signed identity document, specifying the address to which the reply should be returned.

No personal information of the user of the tindart.org website is published without the user’s knowledge, exchanged, transferred, sold on any support to groups. Only the assumption of the sale of the tindart.org internal site and its rights authorizes LORIGINAL to transmit the said information to the purchaser who would then in turn be bound by the same obligation to preserve and modify information relating to the user of the tindart.org site.

The tindart.org site and service complies with the RGPD see our RGPD policy.