Top 15 mistakes to avoid
In the approach of co-creation and advice for citizens.
Artistic co-creation is a rewarding and inclusive process, but it also comes with challenges. Here are the 15 most common mistakes citizens should avoid, along with tips for making the most of this experience.

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1. Not understanding your psychological preferences.
The experience with art is influenced by internal factors such as generation and personal preferences. It is essential to know one's psychological preferences to better immerse oneself in co-creation. For example, some prefer concrete and tangible details, while others are drawn to abstract art.
Advice :
Identify your preferences and choose works and artists that align with them.
2. Ignoring gendered learning.
Studies show a higher proportion of women in the arts and culture audience, often due to ideas instilled by parents. This phenomenon is more pronounced in rural areas than in cities.
Advice :
Stay aware of these biases and work to expand your cultural horizons beyond stereotypes.
3. Neglecting self-congruence.
The concept of self strongly influences our artistic choices. If one perceives themselves as incapable of understanding aesthetics, it will be difficult to fully engage in artistic critique.
Advice :
Develop a positive image of yourself as both a creator and consumer of art.
4. Lacking patience and reflection.
Co-creation requires patience and constructive reflection. Rushing can lead to unsatisfactory results.
Advice :
Take the time to reflect on your choices and be open to suggestions and critiques.
5. Forgetting the importance of personal details.
Personal details bring authenticity and emotional attachment to a work.
Advice :
Incorporate meaningful personal elements into your creation to strengthen emotional attachment.
6. Underestimating the impact of emotions.
Emotional responses are essential in interacting with artwork. They influence perceptions and evaluations.
Advice :
Let your emotions guide your artistic choices and be receptive to those that the works evoke.
7. Not making use of the imagination.
Imagination plays a central role in artistic appreciation. It allows for the creation of personal meanings and enriches the aesthetic experience.
Advice :
Use your imagination to immerse yourself in the works and create personal meanings.
8. Conforming to norms instead of exploring creativity.
Le conformisme culturel limite l'expression individuelle et la diversité des idées.
Conseil :
Soyez audacieux et explorez de nouvelles idées et formes artistiques au-delà des conventions établies.
9. Forgetting the importance of emotional state.
The initial emotional state influences the perception and appreciation of art.
Advice :
Engage in artistic activities when you’re in a positive emotional state to maximize the impact of the experience.
10. Neglecting the effect of the cultural environment.
The cultural, historical, and social context influences the interaction with the artwork.
Advice :
Consider the context of the artwork and how it enriches your artistic experience.
11. Isolating yourself instead of collaborating.
Artistic co-creation is a collaborative process that requires the involvement of both parties.
Advice :
Communicate openly with the artists and be receptive to their ideas and suggestions.
12. Not using digital platforms wisely.
Digital platforms offer personalized experiences based on personality preferences and reduce gender biases.
Advice :
Use these tools to overcome contextual and generational challenges and to expand your access to art.
13. Avoiding communication mistakes.
Poor communication can lead to misunderstandings and frustrations in the co-creation process.
Advice :
Be clear and precise in your communications and use visuals to facilitate mutual understanding.
14. Not valuing critical and personal approaches.
A critical and personal approach enriches the co-creation experience by allowing for more authentic expression.
Advice :
Engage in critical thinking and integrate your personal perspectives into the creative process.
15. Not embracing diversity.
The diversity of ideas and approaches is crucial for successful and innovative co-creation.
Advice :
Embrace the diversity of perspectives and encourage inclusion in the co-creation process.